A Long time ago, a life-term prisoner was asked, "What do have to say after so many years in the shadows?"
The man, some 50 years of age, the blackness of his hair losing a battle with the whiteness, spoke after a while, his features rising to an animation as he did,"After what seems like an age here, if there's something i have realised, then it is...........that realisations come hard.........
So, back to the verse here, All i would say is - if you could come with the climax of the poem, mythologically speaking - You could have a glimpse of the DIVINE BEING......
Go on, read it....
Realisations of a Gypsy
Ah! it lay in a pleasant twitter
of gladdened hope through a maddened age
where red beak marks of a bird, glitter
as the only gold of a gilded cage
Ah! it rose like a morning sun
thrusting through the gloomy skies
While I, stung, much like everyone
drew far away to wash my eyes
Ah! it fell cast off a rocky loom
when the raiment of life was woven
that returned, an epitaph on a tomb
"Rest in Peace" amongst the chosen
That whose grim pursuit, ravaged many a day
Happiness rather was, a mere thought away
(would you read it again)
"After what seems like an age here, if there's something i have realised, then it is...........that realisations come hard........."
I don't know about that, cause realizations to me come very easily. Perhaps, cause I think a lot, or think the just enough, whatever its a nice shAring :)
"Rest in Peace" amongst the chosen.
Loved this line.
"Happiness rather was, a mere thought away"..... and this one's just so , SO TRUE !!
I don't know if I got the meaning you want to come across, but I know that its yet another one of the MARVELOUS one. Actually, this is very good, cause it teaches us about something, which we usually neglect. Happiness is all a state of mind.... Its so simple and beautiful thought.
Its great to know that what you think ,you are easily able to pen it down, its so hard otherwise with me, and still, the message remains hanging somewhere.
You are a rockstar yaar !!
"Happiness rather was, a mere thought away" =)
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